Tiistaina 10. joulukuuta: Perinteinen Nobel-palkintogaala
Lauantaina 7. joulukuuta 2013 klo 14: Lääketiede
Professori James E. Rothman "The Principle of Membrane Fusion in the Cell" Yale University, New Haven, USA Professori Randy W. Schekman "Genetic and biochemical dissection University of California at Berkeley..."
Sunnuntaina 8. joulukuuta 2013 klo 10: Fysiikka
François Englert, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bryssel, Belgia "The BEH mechanism and its scalar boson" Peter W. Higgs, University of Edinburgh, Iso-Britannia "Evading the Goldstone theorem"
Sunnuntaina 8. joulukuuta klo 11:30: Kemia
Martin Karplus, Université de Strasbourg, Ranska ja Harvard University, Cambridge, USA "Development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems: From H+H2 to biomolecules" Arieh Warshel, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA "Computer simulations of biological functions: From enzymes to molecular machines" Michael Levitt, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, USA "Birth & future of multi-scale modeling of biological macromolecules"
Sunnuntaina 8. joulukuuta klo 14:30: Taloustiede
Eugene F. Fama, University of Chicago, USA "Two pillars of asset pricing" Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago, USA "Uncertainty outside and inside economic models" Robert J. Shiller, Yale University, New Haven, USA "Speculative asset prices"
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